About Author
Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed (Cabdibashiir) waa qoraa, gabyaa, macallin iyo mufakir. Buugaagtiisa uu qoray ama turjumay waxay gaadheen 40, sannadka 2022. Waxay isugu jiraan buugaag carruureed, qaar ku saabsan la qabsiga nolosha qurbaha, qaarku saabsan Islaamka iyo barashadiisa, qaar ku saabsan bulshada iyo meeqaanka haweenka Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa kale oo ku jira qaar lagu ururiyey suugaan ama sooyaalka abwaanin Soomaaliyeed. Qoraagu wuxuu wax ku qoraa Afsoomaali. Suugaanta uu allifay waxay isugu jiraan gabayo ay tiradoodu dhaaftay 95 (sannadkii 2022) iyo riwaayado.
Mohamed Hirsi Guled (Abdibashir) is a writer, poet, translator, and folk educator. His book collection are over 42 titles on varying subject areas (2022). Children’s books, books on the integration of immigrant youth, books on Islam, books on the social and political status of Somali women, but above all books consisting of poetry collections and biographies are some of the areas that Abdibashir writes about. He writes mainly in the Somali language.
Namne: Maxamed Xirsi Guuleed
Nickname: Abdibashir
Birthdate and birthplace: somewhere in the Somali country in the 70s
the author of: 16 books on politics, literature, religion and stories
The translator of 26 childrens books from Swedish to Somali
The playwhriter of: three plays
Compased: around 95 poems on different topics
Formal education: University level in political science, national economics, and cultural history, especially the Swedish (ethnology) and linguistics, within African languages (linguistics and African languages).
Informal education: Islamic studies, including interpretation of the Qur’an and the major books of hadith, Islamic theology, Arabic language, and jurisprudence.
Language skills: Somali language, arabic language, Swedish language, and English

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